Tuesday, March 24, 2020

2nd/3rd grade Zones of Regulation lesson

Dear Families,
I thought I would send along some social/emotional lesson plans for you to review at home.  As always let me know if you have any questions!

Lesson objective overview: In this activity, students will learn a different way to solve problems using the STOP, OPT, GO concept. Many students who struggle with self-regulation have difficulty with impulse control and with problem solving alternative solutions to conflicts.  Often students get stuck on one way to do something and have difficulty trying other people’s ideas or alternatives. This concept helps students sort through solutions, reflecting on which solutions will be most beneficial in regulating them and resolving the conflict. Please reference my blog on the Zones of Regulation for clarification.  

  1. Instruct the student that they will learn how to Stop (Take a second to think), Opt (consider options, some will be better than others) and Go (Choose which option helps you manage your emotions and behavior the best). 
  2. Tell students that when they find themselves moving to the Red Zone (Feelings of anger, out of control behaviors) they need to stop.  When students are in the yellow zone (Feelings of scared/nervous, loss of some control) they want to slow down and think of as many options as possible.  
  3. Have students pick one situation from below:
You lost a game, you don’t like what you have for lunch, you are dealing with unexpected changes in your daily schedule. 

  1. Verbally walk them through which Zone (Green, Yellow, Red) they would be in and their options and help them choose which one they would like to attempt.  

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