Sunday, March 29, 2015

Tips to help your child relax before standardized testing

The Smarter Balanced testing for 3rd graders is about to begin this week.  In order to help your child alleviate any stress that they may be feeling I thought it was important to give some tips on how to emotionally prepare your child.

*Remind your child to relax and breathe - they will do their best if they are thinking calmly and clearly.
*Make sure your child has gotten a good nights sleep (10-11 hours of sleep a night is recommended for students aged 7-12 years old).
*Have your child eat a healthy breakfast at the start of their day - protein and low sugar choices will help keep them full until their next meal or snack.
*Encourage your child to take the test seriously and do the best job that they can.  Avoid pressuring them.
*Remind your child to stay focused on the test even when others finish before them.
*Wish your child good luck and remind them how much you believe in them and love them every morning.
*If your child takes medication make sure they get it when they need to.
*Get your child to school on time so they don't feel rushed.  Students perform better when they take the test at the time allotted for their class.
*Remind them that if they are stuck to make their best guess - their first choice is typically correct.
*On testing mornings, maintain a pleasant home environment and avoid unnecessary conflicts. Try to make the morning a pleasant one so you do not add to your child’s stress.
*Remind your child to listen carefully to the instructions from the teacher and if they are unsure or unclear to ask for clarification.
*Have your child read the directions and each question carefully.  The information given in each question will help them understand and correctly answer the questions.  Many questions are missed because of lack of attention to directions.  Make sure to look for words such as "never" and "always".
*Explain to your child the importance of using time wisely so they don't feel overwhelmed and get stuck on particular questions.
*De-brief with your child at the end of the test taking day to see how they felt they did and what you can do to support them the next day.


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