Sunday, April 19, 2020

TIGER assembly

Dear Families,
Traditionally, HMS brings an amazing assembly to our school each year in April.  Due to the fact that we are home I would like to bring the assembly into your homes each day.  TIGER is an engaging and exciting assembly that focuses on supporting the social/emotional well being of our students.  Each letter in the word TIGER is utilized to get that message across to our school community. Every day this week I will be sharing one of the letters in the word on my Google classroom page. So stay tuned!
This is an excerpt from the TIGER website.
TIGER (Theater Integrating Guidance, Education, and Responsibility) is a powerful and exciting collaboration between the Integrated Arts and  Counselor Education graduate programs at Plymouth State University.  TIGER is a professional theatre company designed to help children, schools, parents, and communities deal proactively and positively with social issues and concerns facing children in schools today.  Based entirely upon the anonymous writings of school children, a TIGER performance incorporates live actors, theatre, movement, and music to engage school audiences from K-12. By using childrens’ own words, TIGER enables children to hear their own voices as they step back from the experiences of bullying and the intolerance of individual differences to move into more positive social interactions at school and in their community.
TIGER offers the very best in theatre for young audiences. TIGER seeks to transform feelings, thoughts, and behavior to help both children and adults envision and understand their own power in resolving the issues of bullying and intolerance facing many students in our schools today.

TIGER has performed at the state level for the New Hampshire Department of Education, regionally for the New England Theatre Conference (NETC), nationally for the American Alliance for Theatre and Education (AATE), and internationally for the National Drama International Conference at Durham University in Durham, England, the ASSITEJ International Festival of Children’s Theatre in Cairo, Egypt, and the IDA World Congress in Paris, France.

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